Thursday, September 20, 2007

Football = Black eye

Crew was out playing football with his Dad and brothers the other day and came in just screaming. Apparently he had been "going long" to catch the ball and was running at full speed, not looking were he was going. You guessed it, he ran smack dab right into the metal bar of the tramp. Layed him out flat. Poor little guy, I don't know if the pictures will do it justice or not, but his eye was swollen and turned all black and blue. We call him our little prize fighter!!


Andrea said...

OUCH! Poor little Crew. He ran into the bar on the tramp? Ouch...that would hurt. He still looks sooo cute though! Thanks for the heads up what to do with the sheet on my blog...yes it was poop. Icck!

Terolleeq said...

Poor Crew give him a kiss from Anut T.L.

Katie Peterson said...

He is SOOOO CUTE! You know this is really sad, but he is my cousin & I don't think I have ever met him!! NOT FAIR! Have I, I don't think so, so when can we come for a visit?

kim said...

I love his black eye! Too bad it didn't come a month later, it would've been perfect for Halloween. Now he is a real and true tough boy!
See you at boot camp!

Steph said...

Jenny- Crew is SO dang cute! What color is his hair? I think that is what JD's color is going to be. Too cute!! So when you coming down to visit.. we need to go to LC!!

Brenda said...

Jenny...quit beating your kids and blaming the trampoline! SO...just kidding! We love you guys and miss you tons. Be sure and check out my blog for pics from the cruise! We had a blast! Your Oregon pics make me homesick...looks like good times. Bren

Cala said...

Poor little Crewey!!!He is such a little Tough boy!!