Monday, April 21, 2008


Crew turned the big #4 on Saturday! I can't believe my baby is four! After the piano recital, we told him he could pick were we were going for lunch. Where did he want to go??? You guessed it, McDonald's! I threw up a little in my mouth, but quickly remembered this was Crews birthday and I needed to be a good sport. So we took him and even let him play in the disgusting play area. After we went and saw Horten hears a Who. Julie and Stewart came over Sunday for cake and ice cream. Crew was so cute, we got him a little motorcycle bike that he just loves. Everything else had to be power ranger toys. I am savoring every minute with him, he is growing up too fast!


Robyn Baird said...

4 already! Holy Cow! Wasn't it just yesterday when he was 2 ...

*NaTaLiE SaNdaLL* said...

Wow, I remember when Crew was younger than Bently! Time goes by WAY too fast! He is too cute (not a suprise you do have the cutest boys EVER)! Boot camp was fun today, thanks for helping me with my arms!

Steph said...

Crew is so stinkin cute!! He looks so sweet!! I just want to kiss him!! So when are you having the next one Jenny? Come on.. Kate needs a sister!!!!

Amy said...

He is so adorable! You're so lucky he's 4, even though time's flying by, 4 is the best age!!! He's a doll!

Martha said...

When did he decide to turn 4? He's a little man now, I really can't believe he is that old? Sound like you had a busy fun day, McDonalds and all. You're such a good mom to do that :)

Stewart and Julie Jensen said...

We had sooo much fun with Crew and all. He has quite the personality and keeps us in stitches. We are so glad you are here.

kim said...

K Jennster. You really can't tease about throwing up in your mouth. After my hell it really made me nautious to think about it. By the way, Brady is my new hero. Anyway, I'm super happy you guys had such a great day. I love you guys.

Terolleeq said...

Can you say CUTE!!! That red hair and his smile oh my heck the girls will never leave him alone. Nixon will wear his power ranger sunglasses next time we bring him up to visit. xoxoTerollee

Amy said...

He is so adorable! He is the cutest thing ever! Noah loved seeing his pictures. We miss you guys so much. I miss running with you!

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Crew! I believe he is 4 years old. Your baby! Time to have one more!!! Come on Katelyn needs a sister! I miss you guys!!

Hey, I love your new blog layout! It is sooo stinnin cute!! Leave me a comment on my blog how you got it to look like this. Did you have to pay someone to do it? It looks great!!

Love you!

Becca Brown said...

What a cute little guy!! He has one of those smiles that is just contagious. Look at all those boy toys--I wouldn't know what to do with them. Do any of them come in pink?

I'd like to hear about your new blog layout, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, nothing for May and now it's June, tisk tisk Jenny.